Negociación colectiva = derecho fundamental

Posted marzo 10, 2025

La Federación Laboral de California (AFL-CIO) ha publicado un boletín informativo que se envía al menos dos veces por semana con noticias y eventos actualizados que nos afectan a nosotros, a nuestro sindicato y a nuestros miembros. A continuación, encontrará información sobre el ataque del presidente Trump y su administración al convenio colectivo de los trabajadores de la TSA. ¡Si alguien ataca a alguien, todos somos atacados!

La semana pasada, en una escandalosa muestra de antisindicalismo, el presidente Donald Trump y la secretaria de Seguridad Nacional, Kristi Noem, anunciaron que el gobierno federal... Poner fin a su convenio colectivo con los trabajadores de la Administración de Seguridad del Transporte (TSA), que están representados por la Federación Estadounidense de Empleados del Gobierno (AFGE).  

Mientras la administración Trump busca revertir protecciones sindicales críticas para 47.000 empleados de TSA en todo el país, pensamos que valía la pena echar un vistazo a qué es la negociación colectiva y por qué es importante.   

¿Qué es la negociación colectiva?   
At its core, collective bargaining is the fundamental right of union workers to negotiate with their employers over such things as pay, benefits and workplace safety. It creates a binding contract so workers are protected and have certainty around their job, salary and rights at work. The 1935 National Labor Relations Act established collective bargaining as the “policy of the United States.”  

¿Por qué esto importa?  
Put simply, Trump’s decision to unilaterally end the collective bargaining agreement with TSA workers – which had just been negotiated and was set to last until 2031 – is an open assault on union workers and clear retaliation against AFGE for its outspoken opposition to Trump’s actions against federal workers.    “They gave as a justification a completely fabricated false claim about union officials – making clear this action has nothing to do with efficiency, safety or homeland security. This is merely a pretext for attacking the rights of regular working Americans across the country because they happen to belong to a union,” said AFGE National President Everett Kelley en una declaración 

¿Qué se puede hacer al respecto?  
While federal law generally protects workers’ right to strike, that protection does not extend to federal employees, including TSA workers.    Instead, this battle will be waged in the courts of law and public opinion. You can help by contacting your Congressmember (you can find their contact information, including their email and phone number, visitando aquí) and telling them to take action to protect workers’ right to unionize and collectively bargain.    The California Federation of Labor Unions stands in strong solidarity with AFGE and the TSA workers affected by this decision. 
En solidaridad, Lorena González


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