New Signatory Employer!

Posted March 8, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,

Happy March, and just like that we are in the last month of the first quarter of 2024. I am very happy to report that DC16 LU294 has signed Polytech Industrial Coatings to our Northern California Painters Master Agreement and Fresno Area Addendum thereto. Polytech is an established Industrial Painting Contractor out of Fresno California and have been in Business for 20 years. We are equally excited about our partnership and look forward to living up to our High-Performance High Value mission statement.

I would also like to take a minute to express thanks to Frank Salinas for his 8 years of service as an Organizer for DC16 LU294. Frank has decided to move on from the position. We thank Frank for all his efforts over the years serving in a very demanding position. Best of luck in all your endeavors!

That being said there is no immediate plans to fill the organizing position at Local 294. We have a full plate on our table with the Glazier Negotiations and other tasks and issues that limits our opportunities to begin the hiring and training process. I will be meeting with BM/ST Williams and DOO Ryken in the future to determine a timeline that will afford the applicants the best opportunity for success. 

With that those that may be interested should start by familiarizing yourself with the position.  Let me first say that the position of Organizer is very demanding. Any person seeking this position should prepare themselves as you will be expected to have and be adamantly open to being very professionally aggressive with their actions. They must also be able to stand down with the same professionalism when being aggressed against. They should be someone that has an active past present and future in Union activities. They should be someone that supports all aspects of the Labor Movement and be vigorous and meticulous in carrying out directions from leadership. They should understand from the beginning that the position requires sacrifice not only on their part but their families as well. 

In closing, please know that we truly appreciate you our working craftsmen and craftswomen. We thank you for getting up each day and performing at a high-performance high value level and we are certainly proud to represent you!

In Unity,

Jeffery B Roberts


