Our next monthly membership meeting is on Jan. 28, 2025.
December 27, 2024Contracts, By-Laws, and More!
Posted January 19, 2021
Sisters and Brothers,
Local 767 has some very important events happening this year. The Northern California Glaziers Master Agreement expires June 30th 2021 as well as the Sacramento Area Addendum, Combination Addendum, and Roll-Up Door Addendum. We will be sending out surveys to hear what the members would like to see for wages and possible contract changes. Please don’t plan vacations in late June and July because we will be having Contract Ratification Votes and important meeting to go over the proposed contracts changes. In February we will launch zoom meetings that will become regular 767 meetings. We need to make sure that you provide your email so we can send out zoom invitations. Please log into your IUPAT member mobile app or call the union hall if you need to update phone numbers, addresses and email addresses. We are also waiting on Bylaws and will be having Bylaws ratification very soon. Please stay safe and if you have any questions please contact me at 916-402-4203.
John Tweedt
Regional Director DC16/LU767