Puesto de Asistente Administrativo Disponible

Posted septiembre 24, 2021

¡El Consejo de Distrito 16 está buscando contratar a 2 Asistentes Administrativos!

Si está interesado en solicitar el puesto, envíe su currículum por correo electrónico a más tardar el viernes 2 de abril a las 3:30 p.m. a Laurie Pacheco-Cordeiro en laurie@www.dc16iupat.org.  

Puedes encontrar el PDF AQUÍ con más detalles del puesto de Auxiliar Administrativo.


Evento de los Premios STAR

The DC16 STAR Awards Event was a huge success! Over 4,000 members and their families attended the awards event held in Pleasanton, CA and over 450 attended the awards event in Las Vegas, NV. Many walked away with some great prizes such as gift cards, play stations, iPads, cars, trucks and more. Thank you to […]

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Brothers and Sisters, The 33rd General Convention was recently held in Orlando Florida. At this convention there were many resolutions that passed. Some of these resolutions will add or change how our constitution is currently written. With that being said, our Constitution will be updated to reflect those changes. Once we get the new Constitution the […]

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