A great time was had by all aboard the Pinot Noir yacht! We drank We ate We danced We toured the bay If you missed it this year, be sure to register next year!
Posted mayo 5, 2023
Únase a los locales de West Bay para el Día de Acción de IUPAT en Linda Mar Beach en Pacifica el 13 de mayo. a partir de las 10 a.m. Estaremos limpiando la playa. Este es un gran evento para traer a su familia también. Recuerde, para ser invitado al Banquete VAC debe hacer al menos tres eventos VAC, eso incluye a la familia y los niños. Solo los participantes están invitados. ¡Este evento también será un evento de entradas doradas!
Actualmente se está negociando el Contrato de Pintores. El acuerdo actual vence el 31 de juniost. Todavía puede ponerse en contacto con su representante comercial para agregar sugerencias sobre lo que le gustaría ver en el nuevo contrato. Una vez que se presente un acuerdo, asegúrese de salir a votar sobre el nuevo contrato. Se enviará un aviso tan pronto como se llegue a una propuesta.
Se enviará un aviso formal en las próximas semanas, pero tendremos nominaciones para un puesto de administrador en la Junta Ejecutiva de 913 en la próxima reunión local el 7 de junio. Los requisitos para ocupar el cargo son los siguientes:
Section 210 of the IUPAT Constitution
(a) To be eligible to run for any elected position, a
member must meet the following requirements:
(1) The member has been in continuous good standing for
two (2) years immediately prior to the date of nomination and
must have been a member of the Local Union of which he or she
wishes to seek office for at least prior six months;
(2) The member has attended at least one meeting, and attended,
or excused his absence from, at least twenty-five percent
(25%) of the meetings held by the Local Union during the 12
months immediately prior to the date of nomination; a member
may excuse his or her absence on the basis of a work conflict,
illness, or personal emergency, so long as he or she submits the
excuse in writing to the Local Union no later than five
(5) calendar days after the missed meeting; and
(3) The member (A) was employed, actively seeking employment,
or unable to be employed or to seek employment due to
temporary disability, within our trade during the major portion of
the twelve months prior to the date of nomination, and
(B) is currently active in the trades and not drawing a pension
from a plan sponsored by or affiliated with the International
Union or any subordinate body of the International Union. employed”
and “employment” means “full-time” employment as
defined in Section 211(j).
(b) A member otherwise eligible shall not be rendered ineligible
under this Section if he or she was employed full time
during the major portion of the 12 months prior to the date of
nomination by the International Union, a Local Union or District
Council of the International Union, the AFL-CIO, or any department
thereof, a central body recognized by the Local Union of
which he or she is a member or in any department of the local,
state, provincial and/or territorial or Federal Government. For the
purpose of this section, “full-time” shall mean working at least
870 hours per year, determined by dividing the total of the office
holder’s earnings during the twelve (12) months preceding the
month of nominations by the lesser of the journey-person’s hourly
rate of compensation, or the officeholder’s lowest hourly rate
of compensation.
(c) Where no members are initially nominated who meet the
eligibility requirements set forth above, the Local Union may accept
the nomination and election of others from among its members
who are not specifically disqualified under other provisions
of the General Constitution. Where the General President, in his
or her sole discretion, determines that conditions in a given Local
Union warrant, he or she may waive one or more eligibility
(d) In every case, it shall be a requirement of eligibility to be
nominated or elected that the member must be a resident of the
United States or Canada.
(e) War veterans now serving or having served in the armed
forces of the United States or Canada, shall be credited with continuous
good standing for the period of such service insofar as
eligibility for delegate to the General Convention is concerned.
(f) Any member who enters the land, naval or air forces of the
United States or Canada, by enlistment or conscription, and
becomes disabled while in service and receives an honorable
discharge, shall not be debarred from holding office or serving
as a delegate or representative of the Local Union, provided the
member is otherwise qualified under the provisions of the Constitution.
(g) Every member in good standing shall have the right to
nominate, vote for or otherwise support the candidate of his or
her choice, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.
(h) No member whose dues have been withheld by his or her
employer for payment to the Local Union pursuant to his or her
voluntary authorization provided for in a Collective Bargaining
Agreement shall be declared ineligible to nominate, vote for, or
be a candidate for office in the Local Union, by reason of alleged
delay or default in the payment of dues by his or her employer to
the Local Union.
(i) Local Unions may not impose eligibility requirements different
than those set forth in this Section.