Nuestra próxima reunión mensual de miembros será el 28 de enero de 2025.
diciembre 27, 2024LU 1621 Update!
Posted julio 31, 2023
Vidrieros Local 1621,
If you are out of work, please make sure to call the office 408-824-1280 to add your name to the out-of-work list. Some shops are picking up and we need to make sure we are able to dispatch you to work. Journeymen, if you do not have your required certifications do not wait until the last minute to get them. Please reach out to me so I can get you what you need to be dispatched.
Production workers, please make every effort to come to the next Union Meeting on August 8. at 6:30PM so we can discuss your wants and needs of your contract. Your contract is up September 30th, so it is very important to start attending your Union Meetings. Also please make sure you do not schedule any Vacation in the month of October just in case we need you on the Picket Lines.
As a reminder the Local has Purchased Tickets to 3 Stanford Games this year so if you are interested in going with your children please reach out to the office for information on the games. We have also purchased tickets to the Salinas Valley Air Show in October. If you are interested in that please reach out to the office and leave a message for Brett.
Brett Davis