District Council 16 recently hosted an intensive three-day Organizer and Bootcamp in Livermore, designed to identify and train the next wave of union organizers. The invitation to apply sought candidates with a strong work ethic, leadership potential, and an unwavering commitment to strengthening labor standards. From the initial request for resumes to final interviews, the […]
March 13, 2025In Person Union Meetings!
Posted July 2, 2021
In-person Local Union meetings are back…
Welcome everyone starting July 1st, BMST Robert Williams is allowing the Locals to open up the Unions to have their regular Union meetings in-person with protocols in place.
- In person Union meetings will resume in July, with a Hybrid model.
- Members may attend the July and August meetings via Zoom.
- Further hybrid meetings may be allowed upon written request by the local Executive Board to the BMST.
- If attending via Zoom, the participant will be muted and no motions will be allowed from those participants.
- If a participant attending via Zoom wants to have a comment heard, it will be submitted through the written chat section on the Zoom conference.
- All Zoom participants must keep their cameras on at all times.
- No Zoom participant will be allowed on the call if driving a vehicle.
- All Zoom participants must be announced and recorded by name.
- All in person participants must wear face covering while at the meeting.
- When speaking, the participant may remove face coverings to be heard clearly.
- All participants must maintain appropriate social distancing.
- All members or guests that comes in a DC16 building must sign in on a daily sign in log.
As a reminder the Regular Local Union meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30, please try and make every attempt to come to a meeting and STAY SAFE!