District Council 16 recently hosted an intensive three-day Organizer and Bootcamp in Livermore, designed to identify and train the next wave of union organizers. The invitation to apply sought candidates with a strong work ethic, leadership potential, and an unwavering commitment to strengthening labor standards. From the initial request for resumes to final interviews, the […]
March 13, 2025IUPAT Town Hall
Posted May 10, 2024

Over 400 members attended the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Town Hall at our Southern Nevada local union location and virtually via zoom watch parties! The goal was to engage with our members and discuss important issues facing our union and our membership. It also provided an opportunity for DC16 members to ask questions, voice concerns, and hear from union leadership.

The town hall kicked off with remarks from Robert Williams III, DC16 Business Manager / Secretary-Treasurer, who emphasized the importance of working collectively and unity among members. He spoke about how each department at DC16 works together to be able to do what is best for our membership as well as the aligned values of District Council 16 and the IUPAT. Those values being “every member counts, every member is just as valuable as the next one.” (R. Williams III.) He also went on to explain how we need to continue to change the culture; start having those difficult or uncomfortable conversations, whether it’s about changes we want to see in our pension, on the jobsites, or maybe it is personal such as mental health issues. Ultimately, we are trying to help each other. We need to continue making changes for the greater good of our members.

IUPAT General President Jimmy Williams Jr. also emphasized the importance of unity among us and of the upcoming elections, noting that they will have a significant impact on the future of our union, our members and all working Americans. “This is a moment in history we can decide our own fate as a union. Do we want to go forwards or do we want to go backwards?” (J. Williams) He highlighted the need for union members to actively engage in the political process and support candidates who prioritize the interests of working families and stressing the importance of electing leaders who are committed to advancing workers’ rights, increasing wages, and protecting collective bargaining.
Unions have greatly benefited from President Biden and his administration’s efforts to support organized labor and strengthen worker protections. Biden’s commitment to appointing pro-labor officials who have focused on creating good-paying jobs, investing in infrastructure, and expanding access to healthcare which has been crucial in supporting our union members and their families. Jimmy Williams Jr. encourages union members to stay informed, get involved, and support candidates who will fight for their interests.
Throughout the town hall, members had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from union leadership. Topics of discussion included work hour stability, pension, increasing the number of women in the trades, and strategies for organizing more jobs for our members. Members also had the chance to share their own experiences and concerns, providing valuable insights for union leaders.
Overall, the IUPAT town hall was a productive and informative event that brought together DC16 members from Nevada and Northern California to discuss important issues facing our union and its members. By engaging with union leadership, sharing their experiences, and learning from one another, members were able to strengthen their collective voice and work towards a brighter future for all IUPAT members!
More photos below from our ZOOM WATCH PARTIES