VAC Banquet March 1st, 2025 Attention Local 169 members that qualified for the VAC banquet this year by volunteering for 3 events last year. Please be on the lookout for your invitation to the event, if multiple people in h your household qualified, they should all get an invitation. Remember this is an invite only […]
January 27, 2025NEW DC16 STAR Website
Posted April 20, 2021
The Redesigned DC16 STAR Website is now up!
Please visit the DC16 STAR Website at where you will have easy access to the STAR Class Schedule, Signing up for Classes, Requesting a Class and more!
The STAR Program was designed entirely for DC16 Members to help build the skills you need to succeed. And it’s offered at no charge—all costs for training and recognition are covered by the Union.
With STAR Training, you can build your skills and be recognized and rewarded for your achievement. Training is provided by the nationally recognized District Council 16 Journeyman and Apprentice Training Trust Fund.
This program make us all more successful. Building top-notch skills helps you get ahead. It also makes the contractors who hire DC16 craftsworkers more competitive. That means more work for them, and for you. With DC16 workers and employers in high demand, the better and more secure your future becomes. It all starts with our shared commitment to being a High Performance / High Value team.
Visit the Redesigned DC16 STAR Website for more information!