District Council 16 recently hosted an intensive three-day Organizer and Bootcamp in Livermore, designed to identify and train the next wave of union organizers. The invitation to apply sought candidates with a strong work ethic, leadership potential, and an unwavering commitment to strengthening labor standards. From the initial request for resumes to final interviews, the […]
March 13, 2025Reopened General Testing
Posted September 8, 2023
The DC16 Apprenticeship has reopened General Testing. Testing is held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. If you know someone interested in getting into our Union in any of our crafts, tell them to contact the apprenticeship at 510-785-8467. Appointments are required as space is limited.
Apprentices in training. Painting a IUPAT Logo at the Training Facility
913 member Mario Cid on the left