We are proud to introduce 2 new indentured apprentices into our local union. Brother Kevin Palmer is a painting apprentice working for Wpi. He was a graduate of the IUPAT Job Core Program in Northern Nevada and chose to stay in the area to pursue a career pathway in the trade of painting. Brother Leonardo […]
February 21, 2025Train. Train. Train
Posted January 24, 2025
Brothers and Sisters,
I am writing today to remind you how important it is for you to keep your training certifications up to date. First of all, if you need training you can sign up for it on the STAR website www.dc16star.org What may happen if you are not up to date on your certifications? Let’s say you are operating a boom lift and OSHA comes on the job and asks to see your certification. You pull it out and it expired. Not only did your employer just get fined but OSHA may fine you as an individual as well. At that point there is nothing I will be able to do for you. So please again please keep your training certifications up to date. If you need help signing up on the website, reach out to me and I will help you. In addition, if you are a painter or a glazier, I cannot dispatch you outside Local 294’s jurisdiction if your certs are not up to date. This is the language in the Northern California Glaziers and Painters master agreements. Again, to clarify what that means, if things are slow at home and you are offered a job with an out of area signatory employer in the Bay Area or Sacramento and you do not have all of the required certifications up to date, I cannot dispatch you to work. In most cases the employer will ask you if you have those certs in advance and if you don’t, they won’t even consider you. So again, please keep your certifications up to date. Working depends on it!
You can find what the required certifications are in the Northern California Master Agreements on this website for your respective craft. Or just call me.
Thank you in advance for staying TRAINED!
In Unity,
Jeffery B Roberts
Regional Director