Our next monthly membership meeting is on Jan. 28, 2025.
December 27, 2024VAC Opportunities
Posted August 18, 2021
Brothers and Sisters,
I wanted to remind everyone about the upcoming VAC’s in the Sacramento area. We are currently having a VAC for the Sacramento Sierra Building Trades Council MC# program. The Highlands Community Charter School recently gave the MC# program a building that will be specifically dedicated as a pipeline to Union Trades. We will be out there Saturday August 21 from 8am to 12pm. This is a good opportunity for the apprentices to get their 2 VAC’s for the year and to get involved with our community events. We are also looking to have a few VAC events for the upcoming elections so keep an eye on the VAC Calendar for these events. We have other Union trades at these events and unfortunately we don’t have much of a presence. I am hoping to get more participation from the membership in these events moving forward and turn that around. If you want to get involved look for upcoming events on the VAC Calendar or call the Union Hall at (916)393-2742.