Wage allocation results

Posted December 13, 2024

Brothers and Sisters, I hope this finds you well.

This past Tuesday (12/10) members voted on the two options that the E board presented. Option 1 won with $1.11 increase to wages, $0.35 increase to pension and $0.04 increase to wage equality. A lot of members were working during night or evening shifts, thank you for letting me know that you were not going to be able to make it. The T-shirts will be ready next week; I will send a text message to the members so they can show up at the January’s meeting and give them away.

One of the labor organizations will give us 10 Christmas baskets. For the guys that haven’t worked, if you would like one, call me and I’ll save one for you.

I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, I hope that you have a great evening, surrounded with family and friends. For the ones that haven’t worked, we need to endure and do our best to keep on top of
it, so we don’t fall behind. For the ones that are working, thank you for doing a great job showing up every day, installing and doing quality work.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
My phone number is: (702) 403-0700
Email: gustavo@dc16.us


VAC Banquet

VAC Banquet March 1st, 2025 Attention Local 169 members that qualified for the VAC banquet this year by volunteering for 3 events last year. Please be on the lookout for your invitation to the event, if multiple people in h your household qualified, they should all get an invitation. Remember this is an invite only […]

January 27, 2025


Brothers and Sisters Happy New Year, there are some required certifications to be dispatched as of January 1st, 2025, for Painters, and there is information on required STAR event classes and pension money information. Knowledge is power so please read the posted information below.  Have you heard about the new rules about certs you must […]

January 24, 2025