What’s There to Be Thankful for?

Posted December 2, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,

I hope this article finds you and your family getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and looking forward to Christmas and all the stress and beauty it brings. Our Annual Christmas Meeting Dinner is this Tuesday December 3, 2024. I want to thank those of you who took the time to rsvp, and for those of you who didn’t, after being ridiculed you will be able to attend too. This year the gift will be a Local 1237 hat (several different colors) and a phone charger with the local’s logo on it. The prize raffle this year is worth over $5,000 and if we don’t have it, you don’t need it. The 2025 calendar cards will go out in a few weeks with your Christmas card. The 2025 wage schedules after a revision have not been approved by the Association yet, when it is approved, I will email, text and post them in a future article. 

I want to take this time to let you know what I am thankful for,

I’m thankful that I get the opportunity to represent the members of District Council 16 and Local 1237.

I’m thankful for the members who give their time and talents to help our local grow and prosper.

I’m thankful for the DC16 staff that makes our union run behind the scenes and never gets credit. They truly make sure that everything runs smoothly and when things don’t, they tirelessly work until it does.

I’m thankful that as a Business Rep. I have been given opportunities that allow me to serve not only our members but also the community. 

I’m thankful that my oldest son Colby joined local 1237 and has been involved with the local and DC16. I’m proud to call him my son and local Vice-President. I’m also thankful that my beautiful daughter in-law Hannah is by his side and one of his biggest supporters.

I’m thankful that my youngest son Hunter has found his calling in the pipe trades and works hard every day to become a journeyman and master his trade.

I’m thankful for my family and my union family, both have helped me become the person I am today.

And finally, I am thankful for my wife Suzanne, after 31 years of marriage she is and always has been my anchor and true north. She has allowed me to put the union and my job first and accepts what’s left of me. She gets me at my best and worst and participates in union activities so we can spend time together. I truly am thankful that she is there at the end of a long day and makes me feel loved. Suzanne, Love you more!


Randy Rojas



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December 19, 2024

Apprenticeship Contest Update!

On Saturday 12/14/2024, Four apprentices from around DC16 competed to see who will be the solo representative from our council to be sent to the International’s Apprentice Contest in Las Vegas at the end of January. Martin Alonso Diaz from BT Mancini Local 567 (Reno), Angel Lazaro from Welker Bros Local 12, Edgar Lopez from […]

December 16, 2024