District Council 16 recently hosted an intensive three-day Organizer and Bootcamp in Livermore, designed to identify and train the next wave of union organizers. The invitation to apply sought candidates with a strong work ethic, leadership potential, and an unwavering commitment to strengthening labor standards. From the initial request for resumes to final interviews, the […]
March 13, 2025Work Outlook!
Posted August 29, 2022
Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to give you a update on the work that is coming to the Sacramento Valley. Aggies Square will be a major project and should be starting in a few months. It is very important to make sure you have all of your certifications that are described in the Northern California Glaziers Master Agreement. In about 4 weeks we will need about 8 glaziers to work in a precast yard installing window. Please contact me so I can give you more information on the project and Glazing Contractor. Other upcoming project are a Science Building and a day care Building in Eureka. Yreka has a good size hotel that will be added to the existing casino.
We have added two new VAC events so please check the VAC calendar as well.
In closing I would like to announce we will be having a second 767 Retiree Luncheon. It is always amazing to see and hear the stories that they have to tell!
John Tweedt
Reginal Director